This page last changed on Mar 02, 2006 by rossmason.

Mule has an internal notification mechanism which can be used to tap into server notification such as a Component being added, the Model being initialised or the Manager being started. These notifications can be useful to allow custom components such as Agents or Mule managed components to react to change in the server.

Don't confuse these notifications with service events that mule manages between your components and external applications. These Server Notifications provide notifications between objects that comprise the Mule Server, where as service events are the business operations that your business services process.

There are currently 10 types of Server Notifications -

  1. Manager Notification - is fired when state changes on the Mule mananger such as initialising, sarting and stopping.
  2. Model Notification - is fired when state changes on the Mule Model such as initialising, sarting and stopping or components being registered or unregistered.
  3. Component Notification - is fire when a particular component is started, stopped, paused, resumed.
  4. Management Notification - is fired when monitored resources are low (not yet implemented)
  5. Custom Notification - can be fired by objects themselves to custom notification listeners, and can be used to customise notifications on Agents, Components, connectors etc.
  6. Admin Notification - is fired when requests are received by the Mule Admin agent. These are usually trigged by MuleClient calls using the RemoteDispatcher, which proxies calls to a remote server.
  7. Connection Notification - happen when a connector attempts to connect to its underlying resource. Notifications are fired when a connection is made, released or the connection attempt fails.
  8. Message Notification - These notifications are fire when an event is sent or received in the system. These are very good for tracing, but are not enabled by default as there is a performance impact when using these. Read below to find out how to enable them.
  9. Security Notification - is fired when a request is denied security access.
  10. Space Monitor Notification - is fired from space implementations such as JavaSpaces, JCache or the Mule internal space implementaiton when events are fired into or out of a space. See [Spaces] for more information.

To become a server event listener objects can implement one of the following interfaces-

  1. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.ManagerNotificationListener
  2. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.ModelNotificationListener
  3. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.ComponentNotificationListener
  4. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.ManagementNotificationListener
  5. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.CustomNotificationListener
  6. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.AdminNotificationListener
  7. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.ConnectionNotificationListener
  8. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.MessageNotificationListener
  9. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.SecurityNotificationListener
  10. org.mule.impl.internal.notifications.SpaceMonitorNotificationListener

these all have a single method -

public void onNotification(UMOServerNotification notification);


Depending on the listener implemented only certain events will be received, for example the object implements ManagerNotificationListener only events of type ManagerNotification will be received. Objects can implement more than one listener to receive more types of event.

Listeners can be registered on the UMOManager -



Each event has an action code that determines the type of event. The action code can be queried in the onEvent method to determine its type. To have an object do something when the Model initialises -
public class MyObject implements ModelNotificationListener
    public MyObject()

    public void onNotification(UMOServerNotification notification)
        if (notification.getAction() == ModelNotification.MODEL_INITIALISED)
            system.out.println("The Model is initialised!");


Enabling MessageNotifications

Message Notifications are very useful as they provide a snapshot of all information sent into and out of the the Mule Server. These notifications are fired when ver a message is received or sent. As you can imagine, these additional events will have some impact on performance so they are turned off by default. To enable these events you need to set the enableMessageEvents to true on the <mule-environment-properties> i.e.

<mule-environment-properties enableMessageEvents="true"/>


Firing custom Notifications

Custom Notifications can be fired by objects in Mule to notify custom listeners. For example a discovery Agent might fire a 'Client Found' event when a client connects.

To fire a custom event use -

CustomNotification n = new CustomNotification("Hello");


Any objects implementing CustomNotificationListener will receive this event. It's a good idea to extend the CustomNotification and define actions for your custom event type. To use the Discovery Agent example above -

DiscoveryNotification n = new DiscoveryNotification(client, DiscoveryNotification.CLIENT_ADDED);


Non-system objects in Mule can only fire Custom notifications through the manager, attempting to fire other events such as ModelNotification will cause an UnsupportedOperationException.


Using Event Subscriptions

You can associate a subscription with an event listener so that only events the match the subscription will be passed to the listener. The subscription is a wildcard String expression that will be matched against the 'Resource ID' of the event (see the next section). So to register interest in Component events where the component is called MyService1 you can use -

MuleManager.getInstance().registerListener(listener, "MyService1");

If you wanted to match all components with Service in the name you can use -

MuleManager.getInstance().registerListener(listener, "*Service*");

Notification payloads

All notifications extend java.util.EventObject and the payload of the object can be accessed using the getSource() method. The following table describes the event payloads for each type of event.

Event Payload Type Resource ID Description
ManagerNotification UMOManager Manager ID The UMOManager instance. Equivilent to calling MuleManager.getInstance()
ModelNotification UMOModel Model Name The UMOModel instance on the manager. Equivilent to calling MuleManager.getInstance().getModel()
ComponentNotification UMOComponent Component Name The component that caused this event to fire
ManagementNotification not implemented   not implemented
CustomNotification Any object Any String The object type is custom to the object firing the event.
AdminNotification UMOMessage The request endpoint The Admin request received
ConnectionNotification UMOConnectable <connector-name>.receiver(<endpoint-uri>) The Message Receiver or message dispatcher that was connected
MessageNotification UMOMessage Component name The message sent or received
SecurityNotification SecurityException The Exception Message The security execption that occurred
SpaceMonitorNotification UMOSpace Space name The space that fired the notification. If there is a data item it will be available on the Notification using SpaceMonitorNotification.getItem()

Notification Actions

the following describes the actions for each Notification type.


Action Description
MANAGER_INITIALISNG UMOManager.initialise() has been called but not executed
MANAGER_INITIALISED The UMOManager has been initialised
MANAGER_STARTING UMOManager.start() has been called but not executed
MANAGER_STARTED The UMOManager has been started
MANAGER_STOPPING UMOManager.stop() has been called but not executed
MANAGER_STOPPED The UMOManager has been stopped
MANAGER_DISPOSING UMOManager.dispose() has been called but not executed
MANAGER_DISPOSED UMOManager is disposed
MANAGER_DISPOSING_CONNECTORS Registered connectors are about to be disposed
MANAGER_DISPOSED_CONNECTORS Connectors have been disposed


Action Description
MODEL_INITIALISING The UMOModel.initialise() has been called but not executed
MODEL_INITIALISED The UMOModel has been initialised
MODEL_INITIALISING_LISTENERS Component Listeners are about to be registered on the connectors
MODEL_INITIALISED_LISTENERS Component Listeners have been registered
MODEL_STARTING UMOModel.start() has been called but not executed
MODEL_STARTED The UMOModel has been started
MODEL_STOPPING UMOModel.stop() has been called but not executed
MODEL_STOPPED The UMOModel has been stopped
MODEL_DISPOSING UMOModel.dispose() has been called but not executed
MODEL_DISPOSED The UMOModel has been disposed


Action Description
COMPONENT_INITIALISED The component has been initialised
COMPONENT_STARTED The component has been started
COMPONENT_STOPPED The component has been stopped
COMPONENT_PAUSED The component has been paused
COMPONENT_RESUMED The component has been resumed
COMPONENT_DISPOSED The component has been disposed


Not implemented yet


Action Description
NULL_ACTION An action has not been set on the event


Action Description
ACTION_RECEIVE Is fired when a remote recieve call is made via the Mule Admin Agent.
ACTION_DISPATCH Is fired when a remote asynchronous 'dispatch' call is made via the Mule Admin Agent.
ACTION_SEND Is fired when a remote synchronous 'send' call is made via the Mule Admin Agent.
ACTION_INVOKE Is fired when a remote call is made directly to a component via the Mule Admin Agent.


Action Description
CONNECTION_CONNECTED Is fired when a connector makes a successful connection to its underlying resource.
CONNECTION_FAILED Is fired when a make an unsuccessful connection attempt.
CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED Is fired when a connector disconnects from its resource. This could be triggered by network failure, Jmx or the server shutting down.


Action Description
MESSAGE_RECEIVED Is fired when a message is received into the Mule instance.
MESSAGE_DISPATCHED Is fired when a message is dispatched asynchronously from a Mule instance.
MESSAGE_SENT Is fired when a message is sent synchronously from Mule instance.
MESSAGE_REQUESTED Is fired when a message is requested via Mule instance, i.e. calling MuleClient.receive(...)


Action Description
SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Is fired when a message is received but authentication of the message failed.


Action Description
SPACE_CREATED Is fired when a new space is created.
SPACE_DISPOSED Is fired when a space is disposed.
SPACE_ITEM_ADDED Is fired when an item is added to the space.
SPACE_ITEM_REMOVED Is fired when an item is removed from the space.
SPACE_ITEM_EXPIRED Is fired when an item in a space expires.
SPACE_ITEM_MISS Is fired when an item is requested from the space byut yeilds no result.
SPACE_LISTENER_ADDED Is fired when a listener is registered for the space.
SPACE_LISTENER_REMOVED Is fired when a listener is unregistered for the space.
Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27